The picture below was taken just before the trail head. Clouds Rest peak is the tallest peak in the picture on the left side of the image, just right on the tree. AWESOME!
The picture below is of a huge, gorgeous meadow just as you enter the trail.
About a mile and a half or so in we hit the switchbacks that seemed to last FOREVER! They were pretty intense for sure and pictures cannot tell how steep this climb was. I definitely was glad when those were over.
We saw a few deer along the way and I got the camera out just fast enough to get one as she crossed the trail. No bucks though :(
About half way in we came across a small lake.
Near the peak we stopped for a short break before the last assent to the crest and with the big clouds and scenery I couldn't help but take a picture. The tree's were starting to thin as we were approaching 9000' elevation which made it a lot easier to get some BIG pictures as well.
Almost there!! The last few hundred feet to the top!
YAY! Finally made it to the top!!! It seriously felt like we could touch the clouds with 360 degree views and gorgeous scenery. By far on of the best landscapes I have ever seen before!!
With half dome BELOW us and the valley floor far in the distance, it was well worth the climb.
...just having a little fun at the crest!
From left: Me, Bryan, Sean
At just over 14 miles and 3000' vertical elevation gain I would definately do it again and I can't wait to go back. Maybe take the long way to the top from the valley... maybe, haha.