So I got to hang out with a super cool couple, Freddy and Kandace, and their adorable little pup named Bentley this afternoon. We had a great time and I couldn't wait to post a few of my favorites!
...what a camera hog!
My personal favorite of the entire session!
This shot took a few tries but definately worth it!
I had a great time with Ashleigh and her mom Lynda walking around downtown this afternoon.It was quite the adventure actually... with a few run-in's from the homeless, a drunk guy near a bar, a chef, a quinceanera or something like that, and a security guard telling us we couldn't take pictures on the property (twice), haha! It was good times for sure, you never know what's going to happen. The weather was awesome as a storm was preparing to roll in so it made for some great deep clouds and awesome light.
Our first Halloween in the new house and it was a blast! My entire family and friends came over to celebrate, do some trick or treating and eat some good grub. It was a 6am 10-31-08 until 4am 11-1-08 celebration. Needless to say, I was hangin' big time this morning, haha. Gotta love that extra strength Tylenol :)
A great photograph is a full expression of what one feels about what is being photographed in the deepest sense, and is, thereby, a true expression of what one feels about life in its entirety. ~Ansel Adams